08 Aug, 2023

Re-pricing Tool

In the real world, repricing items in-store can be an incredibly time-consuming process.

As an employee, you're the one who has to go through the entire store and make various price changes on products to help them sell. You might spend hours or even days during your work shifts tagging each item on the shelves with the new price. Not to mention, someone has to change the price in the computer system too so it matches when it's scanned and sold.

As an Etsy seller, you may have this same problem when you choose to reprice certain items in your shop. One by one, you have to change the prices in your shop, editing each listing individually.

Luckily, running a digital shop means that streamlining price changes is much easier than a brick and mortar store. Whether your price change is in accordance with the demand you're seeing or because you need to be more in line with similar products on Etsy right now - sometimes you need to update your prices.

It just takes the right tool to do so. Using a bulk repricing tool, you can select multiple items to change prices on at the same time.

Select your entire shop to increase/lower the prices by a percentage, or select a specific shop section to change the prices on. You can also change the price by dollar amount as well as percentage.

Seller Tip: Use this tool instead of the bulk sale feature to remove any end dates on price changes. You can indefinitely change prices now to see if it will increase demand (or better compensate you moving forward if your products are in demand). Again, experimentation with prices can lead to an increase in your bottom line. Figure out an optimized price for each unique listing by keeping track of the price changes that work and those that might not work.

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