04 Jul, 2023

Bulk Sale Feature

Summer... it's the season for one successful product line!

Maybe it's personalized water bottles, summer clothes, or wedding jewelry - you just know that some of your products are in high demand at this time. To draw attention to your shop over your competitors, a summer kick-off sale is the perfect draw for your customers.

But, to host a sale on your Etsy shop, there are a lot of processes that you have to go through. Think about the time that it's going to take selecting the sale items, changing the price on the listings, adding an eye-catching banner to your shop, and more. And the real kicker?

You'll have to do some math... because you might want it to be a 15% off sale on select items.

To save time, and headaches, a solution to assist with bulk sale creation in your Etsy shop would be extremely beneficial. With SellerMarketingTool's bulk sale feature, you can schedule sales events in advance, for select shop sections with any exclusions set by you, or for just specific items. There are no extra fees to set these sales... and you can cancel the sale event at any time.

Want to create a 10% off sale on your wedding hairpieces section (excluding items that are handbeaded)? Simply set up your bulk sale feature to do so and set your launch date.

Use the time that you've saved by promoting the sale, bringing in customer traffic, and watch a bulk sale feature amplify your shop sales!

Seller Tip: Create a unique sale event for only one item and launch it immediately as a test. Look at the item in your Etsy shop, and if you're satisfied, you can copy the sale event and schedule it ahead of time for hundreds of items. It's recommended that you set a small test first, to avoid running a sale on hundreds of items and then 5 minutes later having to cancel it.

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