11 Jul, 2023

Shop Sales Banners

You visit your favorite local brick-and-mortar store often. Sometimes, you just walk through the aisles and see if any great deals are happening.

Those eye-catching sale tags are what you're looking for... and when you see a tag on something that you like, it's a rush!

The only difference between your favorite brick-and-mortar store and your favorite online store is that one is virtual. Customers still feel that same rush when they find an item that they like, AND it's on sale!!

Etsy shop sales are nothing without an eye-catching banner to give your customer that excitement behind finding a deal. But designing a graphic every time you host a sale on items takes time (and money if you aren't handy with graphic design tools).

To catch the eye of your shop customers, a library of dozens of themed sale banners is a valuable resource. With designs ranging from daily discounts to holidays to seasonal sales - there's always a banner that's right for you and your shop. Use pre-designed banners to boost sales where it counts and promote the items that you want to sell faster.

For those who like numbers, banners can increase your sales by an average of 36% (according to EMT's recent report) -- which directly impacts your bottom line!

Another benefit is that we've created our sales banners to be advertisement-free (no logo). Unlike other Etsy tools out there, you can take the credit for our banner design -- we're okay with that!

Seller Tip: If you're fancy with your shop graphics, we also allow sellers to upload their own unique banners to a sales event, and reuse it anytime they want. Do this in conjunction with the bulk sales feature to drastically increase your bottom line during a sales event. Don't worry, our feelings won't be hurt if you use your own banners.

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