10 Oct, 2023

Streamline Your Etsy Shop with Automatic Facebook Catalog Sync

Are you an Etsy shop owner looking to expand your reach and maximize your sales potential? If so, creating a Facebook catalog for your products could be a game-changer for your business. In this blog post, we'll delve into the benefits of leveraging a Facebook catalog for Etsy shops and highlight the convenience of automatic synchronization for seamless updates.

03 Oct, 2023

Improve Conversion with Eye-Catching Stickers

Setting sale events on Etsy is a common practice to improve your items positioning and attract visitors. However, you can improve your sales even more by adding a matching sticker to all your items on sale. Adding bright stickers help set you apart from your competition.

26 Sep, 2023

Smart Inventory Strategy

What do we mean by that, and how does it apply to your Etsy shop? At the base of all commerce trading, there is the notion of scarcity. The scarcity principle states that people value something more when it is scarce. Does 'Gold' ring a bell? Well, the same goes with other commodities, and your shop items are no different.

19 Sep, 2023

Video Marketing for Etsy Sellers

Various Templates To Choose From

Automate product videos - as well as posting them on Pinterest, Facebook & Etsy.

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